
Date Night

Every day I have been feeling a little bit stronger and a little less motion sick. So on Friday, my Mom and I decided that it would be a good idea to get out of the house for a little while and go to the store.  I did not realize how exhausted I would become walking through a store.  We were not out too long before I was done; my energy level was beyond low.  I did realize, however, on the way home that I was not the best car traveler yet.  Thankfully Mom was quick to pull over... and thankfully it was a false alarm :)  After we got back home we picked the girls up from school that afternoon.  I am really trying my hardest to have them see me as "normal" as I can be and to get some sort of normalcy back into their lives.

We really went back and forth if we should go to the game and stay the night in St. Louis for our anniversary date.  I know Scott was worried about me and the possibility of me over-doing it and getting tired easy.  My thought was I wanted one night to get away from everything, just one night to not think about the hospital or MS.  I knew that I would still have a constant reminder of my condition, but I just wanted to go out.  I also told Scott that we should stay the night at the hotel; after all we could not have found a parking place closer than the hotel.  

The only thing I was worried about that evening was the car ride over... but I picked up some sea sickness wrist bands and they seemed to help, plus I had my lovely bucket with me.  There were a lot of lane closes going to get to downtown, so Scott thought he knew a better way.  Let's just say the way we went was not a smooth road or from the looks of it the best area.  I was just hoping that we would not have to pull over; it did not look like that nice of a neighborhood for that.  

We got to the hotel right at check in time so I have plenty of time for a little nap before the game.  I was really in need of one after the ride over.  We went back and forth about what we should do about dinner.  Originally I had a plan for a nice dinner before the game, but I was not too sure if we made sense to go out to eat, because my appetite was not quite back yet.  I did not want to order a nice dinner that I would not eat.  So we took a walk in the hotel to see what all was on the buffet that night.  Yep it was just the right types of food for dinner before the game.  Can't beat the deal we have with this hotel room, free parking, buffet dinner, 3 free drinks, and a buffet breakfast!  See it was worth staying at the hotel tonight :)

Scott and I had a nice anniversary dinner buffet at the hotel!  We did have some looks and comments about how he was a St. Louis Rams fan and I was a Green Bay Packer fan.  It is always fun to see people's reactions to a relationship with two different teams.  But now it was time to head to the game!

As I mentioned before I am still have a bit of motion sickness.  This realization came flashing back while we took the escalators up; I think there were three different ones, but who is counting.  I was a little nervous about the travel up and thankfully Scott could read my mind and distracted me from the motion.  After we were off all the escalators I thought I was in the clear. Well that is until we got to our seats.  I love sitting high up so we can see the whole field, but I was having a little different perspective of the field tonight.  Between the lighting and the "spinning" football field it appeared it could be a long night for me.  Thankfully we got to the game early and I was able to settle my disorientation before the real action started.  Since it was a preseason game it was not too crowded or too loud, which I was very thankful for.  Right before the game started our friends joined us.  After some football talk they asked what was new with us.  Scott and I looked at each other and chuckled.  He just replied, "Where should we start?"  After they heard the story, they replied, "Well you look great and I would never have guessed you were sick."

Not the best picture, but this was the first picture I shared after my diagnoses.  We had a great anniversary date and after the game, we did not hit the town like I have originally planned.  We hit the sack instead and I hoped to sleep in the next day.  It was not the fancy night out anniversary that I had in my head, but I could not have asked for a better date night!  

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