About my Blog

My purpose for writing this blog is to give an in site as to what it is like to be diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  I am newly diagnosed and wanted to tell about my personal journey.  I am in no way shape or form a doctor or will I pretend to be.  I am simply telling my story.  As I have learned everyone's story and journey with MS is different.  For me that is one of the frustrating parts about this disease.

I am also not a writer nor am I going to pretend to be.  I am writing this journey from my heart.  And I am sorry, but, my heart does not edit or spell correctly.  This is in fact how you will know it is truly from me and my heart.

I do promise to share with you all the sides of my MS.  I will share the good, the bad, the ugly, the upside, the laughter and everything else I discover along the way.  If I am able to help just one person along their own personal journey then this is all worth sharing!

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